Memorial Day
Today is Memorial Day, a day that we set aside to remember and to honor those brave men and women who valiantly paid the ultimate price of sacrifice for our nation and the banner of freedom and liberty that it provides. It was originally called Decoration Day. That was a good name in that it brought to mind that we own these fallen brethren honor and respect for what they undertook and suffered for our sake.
This year I would like to offer the following as a brief prayer for our country on this day.
Lord please provide us with leaders who are men and women of valor themselves, who make wise decisions for the greater good and not for their own benefit or just for the loud and well-funded special interest groups, and who make decisions that stand the test of time, not just for momentary appeasement.
May we become a nation that respects and heeds the words of the wise, not the words of the celebrity or popular opinion.
May we value justice greater than wealth or power.
May we be men and women of faith who lift all of our concerns, worries and problems up to a sovereign God in heartfelt prayer for wisdom, guidance, courage and strength.
May we be a nation of people who never take for granted the wonder of being able to live as free men and women, able to pursue our own dreams and happiness knowing full well that we are always only one generation away from losing that freedom unless we are willing and able to defend it from those who do not want us to enjoy such a life.
May we never forget what it is like to be called the children of God and Citizens of the Greatest Nation on Earth, The United States of America!
Stay Strong,