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The Brilliant Machine Age

You don't have to look too deeply into a crystal ball to see that a new age is looming on the horizon, and in fact is actually already dawning. Not yet named, for the sake of discussion lets just call it the "Brilliant Machine Age". I believe that we are rapidly entering a period when machines from the most rudimentary to the most complex will take on functions that mere mortals need to labor with today

These machines are different. They can see. They can speak. They can move on their own accord. They can quickly survey a situation, determine how it is deviating from the desired standard and then initiate the corrective countermeasures to address and correct the condition. These machines are brilliant, and they are going to change the world as we know it.

Today you can buy a home vacuum that on its own accord will start itself and roll around your abode cleaning the floor. When it's batteries get low it will automatically return to its charging station for a refresh. That's not so hard to imagine but looking forward to automobiles that will eventually be able to drive themselves while you enjoy the ride and catch up on other chores, well that is just fascinating. I honestly believe that my granddaughter will be escorted around in a vehicle that recognizes her by sight, addresses her by name and after inquiring where she would like to go, safely and efficiently drives her there.

Not only will such an age bring drastic changes to our everyday lives, it will also serve as a huge economic disrupter. Gone will be the days of many of the unskilled and simply labor intensive jobs that help fuel our economy today. In the brilliant machine age, the STEM fields of science, technology, engineering and math will be were the preponderance of value will be created, and will be by far the largest lever for a prosperous economy.

Leading in such an environment is going to take different skills and focus. While there will always be a need for the managerial tasks of recruiting, training, directing and equipping teams to execute tasks, this new brilliant machine age will require leaders who are comfortable in a semi chaotic world and with being an instigator of disruption. One who can actually and intentionally create a bit of their own controlled chaos. The brilliant machine age will require leaders who are connectors of brilliant and disparate thinkers. They will need to create work environments that radiate a culture of creativity, innovation and a generous risk tolerance. The brilliant machine age leader will need to bring people who do not have the same skill sets, and in fact who may not even like each other to collaborate and merge different and new technologies together. This leader will seldom be the smartest person at the table, but they will be the one who can cast a vision of a new system and be able to inspire and influence others to join their efforts and align the vectors of their own ideas into a single and focused force to be reckoned with.

I will be speaking further on this topic at an upcoming leadership breakfast sponsored by the Business Roundtable leadership event that will be held at the Birmingham Country Club on April 17th. Feel free to register to attend if you are interested. I will also be sharing my personal testimony of faith during that discussion.

Check out this fun little brilliant machine. Not bad considering it is mostly made up of Lego blocks and a smart phone!

Stay Strong,


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